Outdoor Yoga
Fresh air and fresh breath.

Class Descriptions

Slow Flow with Ashley Clarke
Thursdays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm at Overton Park
ends June 10
Join a yoga class with an open, encouraging and fun environment and creative sequences. Explore your individual practice using the strength of your mind and body. At the same time, gain flexibility, strength and coordination. We incorporate breathing techniques and slow flowing movements in this yoga class. As a result, you will enhance your cardiovascular health, mental clarity, and overall well-being. This class has a gentle to moderate pace and is designed for yoga students of all levels..
Please bring your own yoga mat and register in advance. Also, please bring a yoga blanket or any towel or blanket to use for support.
On bad weather days, class will be held via in-studio.

Rise & Flow with Laura DeCastra
Saturdays, 9:00 - 10:00 am
Overton Park ends June 26
This class is moderately paced for all levels. Whether you are new to yoga or experienced in your practice, we invite you rise to your best self, flow with the breath, and to explore your bodies through mindful standing sequences, hip opener, seated, and reclined stretches. This class alternates Saturdays with Elemental Flow.
Please bring your own yoga mat and register in advance. Also, please bring a yoga blanket or any towel or blanket to use for support. On bad weather days, class will be held in-studio and via zoom.

Family Yoga in the Gardens
with Annie Damsky & Laura DeCastra (alternating)
Select Saturdays, 9:00 - 9:45 am
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Classes will resume in April
Enjoy this unique opportunity for healthy fun with the family in the gardens of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This energetic class will incorporate individual and partner yoga poses for strength and balance, plus breathing exercises to help foster calm and focus. Our garden inspired crafts will assist in cooling the mind and body.
This class is for ages 4+, please read the BBG social distancing guidelines on their registration page. Craft instructions will be sent to families following class instead of conducted on site. Advanced registration is required. Please bring your own mats.